❤ Sulphur Beauty

The History of Sulphur
The first use of sulphur not only as an acne treatment but also as a skin care solution actually involved natural sulphur hot springs. In particular, the Romans would soak in sulphur hot springs to cure skin disorders, including but not limited to acne. However, you can find references to sulphur being used as a skin or acne solution in most ancient records, from South America to Biblical references.

Why Use Sulphur Instead of Benzoyl Peroxide to Clear Acne?
The primary reason for the benefit of using a sulphur based acne product instead of a benzoyl peroxide based acne spot treatment is because, unlike benzoyl peroxide, sulphur won’t over-dry your skin. Ultimately, an acne spot treatment should dry your skin, but not over-dry it. If a treatment over-dries your skin, your skin will compensate by producing even more oil. Additionally, in concentrated amounts such as with a spot treatment, over-drying can actually create scars. Finally, as opposed to benzyol peroxide, sulphur has long term benefits for overall skin improvement as opposed to only short term skin drying effectiveness.

In short, sulfur not only treats spot acne both proactively and retroactively, but it also has long term skin benefits that can have your skin looking clear and perfect all of the time.


  1. I love your sulphur soap. It works wonders.

    1. Thank you Marlon. It's always lovely receiving feedback from customers.
